Future Lady Jacket Try-Outs on October 24th

We are holding our first ever Future Lady Jacket try-outs on Sunday, October 24th from 4:30 – 6:30 pm at Williams Middle School. We have had a tremendous response with 64 girl’s coming to our skills & drills sessions over the last four weeks. We are excited about the Future Lady Jackets program and your daughter’s participation. The teams we are forming are just one aspect of the program, but an important one for many of the girls. I know many of you have questions about the try-outs and the teams we are forming, so please read through all of this post which should answer the majority of your questions.

Does my child have to be at try-outs to make the team?

What if my child has not come to any of the skills sessions, can they still try out?
Yes. All 2nd – 6th grade girls who live in the Rockwall High School attendance zone are invited to try-out.

What if my child doesn’t make the team?
There may be kids that don’t make a team. We are limited to only having 9 girls per grade on each team and it’s a simple numbers game. If we have 12 kids try-out for a grade, then we will only have room for 9 and 3 of those kids won’t make the team. If we have 14 or more kids try out, then we will be able to form two teams. Our desire is for every kid to make a team, but we are a new program and the numbers may not allow for that. Here is the good news though… the Future Lady Jackets program is more than just the teams we are forming. If your daughter does not make the team, they will still be invited to participate in our skills & drills sessions. They will still be invited to participate in our activities surrounding the high school team. Our kids will have the chance to go into the Lady Jackets locker room, perform basketball skills at halftime, and many other activities surrounding the high school program. The kids that don’t make the team will still be invited to be a part of all of that. And furthermore, our coaches will help you find a team that your daughter can play on.

What to bring to try-outs?
Every child must have a Try Out form filled out and signed by a parent or guardian before they can try-out. You can get a copy of this form by emailing marc(at)rightnow.org

How competitive are the try-outs?
The kids will feel like its another skills & drills session. We will have a fun and positive atmosphere. They will not feel like they are being scored on anything. The Future Lady Jackets program is all about the Future. We are focusing on making basketball fun and helping the kids learn new skills. Our goal is to make this a positive environment for every kid who attends.

When will teams be announced?
You will know by Tuesday

When and where will we practice?
We will have two practices on Sundays to close out the month of November and allow kids to finish their obligations with their current sports seasons. Then we will take a short break for Thanksgiving and start our normal weekly practices on Wednesday, December 1st. We will practice on Wednesdays through the middle of December and then take a break for Christmas. We will start again on January 5th.  Upcoming Practice dates: 
Sunday, Nov 7th
Sunday, Nov 14th
Wed, Dec 1st
Wed, Dec 8th
Wed, Dec 15th
All practices will be at Williams Middle School. Specific times will be determined after teams are formed.

When and where will we play?
We are playing at the PSA in Plano. We will have an 8 game season that concludes with a playoff. The PSA is about a 30 miles from Williams Middle School. Games are played on Friday, Saturday, or Sunday after 1 pm.

Our first game will be sometime December 9th – 11th
The regular season ends February 20th
Playoffs end March 6th

What will it cost?
We are making every effort to keep the cost as low as possible. We will always communicate exactly what everything costs and no one will make any money from this program.

We are currently finalizing the total costs, but it will range between $155 - $195 depending on the cost of our uniforms and the number of people on the team.

We will be paying anywhere from $45-55 per uniform. Every team will wear the same uniforms and they will be reversible and very durable. The plan would be to wear these uniforms for multiple years. In fact, we will encourage kids to pass uniforms onto younger players as they outgrow their uniforms.

The PSA will cost $965 per team, so we will simply divide that number between the number of kids on the team.

Because we are purchasing these durable uniforms, future leagues and tournaments will cost us less money.

We are partnering with Full Impact Fundraising to create some $20 Fundraising Cards. These will be Future Lady Jacket specific. Which will be a great marketing tool for our program… but they will also help you pay for everything. For every $20 card your child sells, your child will get $14 towards their team cost. So if your daughter sold just 4 cards, she would have enough money ($56) to pay for her uniform. Selling 14 cards ($196) would pay for her uniform and the PSA fee’s. The point is – we will have a great resource to help everyone out.