A Note from Coach McDill to all Parents

Future Lady Jacket Parents,

I hope you had a great summer and that your Future Lady Jackets have enjoyed their first week of school! Here at Rockwall High School, we started basketball workouts on Tuesday. We have 60 girls currently working out in grades 9-12! These girls are pushing themselves and working hard to be ready to play in November.

At Lady Jacket Basketball Camp this year, we talked about the Future Lady Jackets Basketball Program and how it was going to kick off this Fall. I wanted to give you some information about that program and tell you about some very important dates coming up. I met with Marc McCartney last week, and we are excited about how many parents and players are interested in getting started!

Coach Casey Reeves (the Varsity Assistant) and I will be meeting with the coaches of the teams in the next couple of weeks and teaching them age-appropriate drills and plays that we use here at Rockwall High School. After we meet with the coaches, we are going to have some Skills and Drills practices where the girls can come to Williams Middle School and learn from the Future Lady Jackets coaches. We also plan on having one of the high school coaches at each of the Skills and Drills sessions.

There will be four Skills and Drills sessions at Williams Middle School, and they will be FREE to any 2nd-6th graders. After those sessions, there will be a tryout on October 24 at Williams. The coaches will evaluate the players at the tryout and then determine how many teams will be needed. The number of players in each grade will determine the number of teams.

Here are the dates for the Skills and Drills sessions at Williams Middle School:
September 19th          4-6 pm  
September 26th          4-6 pm  
October 3rd                  2-4 pm  
October 10th                2-4 pm  
Tryouts at Williams Middle School    
October 24th              4:30-6:30 pm

Here is what is needed from you:
First of all, if you could pass this email on to any classmate of your daughter's who plays basketball or who is looking to play basketball, that would be great. We want the girls to hear about this, and right now this will only go out to the girls who were at camp this summer.

Secondly, please email Marc McCartney at: marc(at)rightnow.org
Send him your name, your daughter's name, her school, her grade, and which Skills and Drills sessions she can attend. He can also answer any questions that you may have.

I AM EXCITED ABOUT THE FUTURE LADY JACKETS! I think it's going to be great for the coaches to be teaching the girls the terms, drills, and plays that we use here at the high school. The girls will also have some planned activities with the team here at the high school. It's a "win-win" situation for everyone involved.

Hope to see you in the gym soon!